OVFM CLUB MEETING – TUESDAY September 13th 2016




And as quickly as that we move into the second round of the 2016 OVFM Top Ten competition!

We had four entries for the first round (the results of which are HERE) and as ever we are looking to top that number in this round.

The club members who have been drawn for this round are:


Madeline & Annie Ffitch

Mike Shaw

Sam Brown

Simon Earwicker

Jane Oliver

Ian Menage

Bob Vine

Anna Littler

Tony Keable

Pat Palmer

Cherie Hamlet-Smith


As ever if you can’t make your designated round be sure to let either Brenda know ahead of time or reply to this post below, or you have a film ready early, please bring it along as chances are it will be welcomed for screening time permitting.

And if you are bringing a film this week then PLEASE reply to this post in the comments/reply section below, letting us know the film’s run time, format (DVD, Blu-ray) and picture ratio (4:3 or 16:9). This is a great help for us when planning the evening out and helping things run smoothly so if you could do us this courtesy it would be greatly appreciated.

Also please don’t forget to bring any footage you have for the mini-Newsreel we hope to put together for the upcoming Autumn Film Show.

Thank you and good luck to everyone who enters a film!

Top Ten 2016 – Results



Here are the round by round results of the 2016 Top Ten competition. Please check back after each round to see the updated scores.


Round 1 (held on August 2nd)

1. “Dawlish Air Show” by Jane Oliver    53.39

2. “Obsession” by Jim Morton Robertson    51.28

3. “Heaven or Hell” by Hugh Darrington   50.76

4. “My Welsh Transport Experience” by Bob Wyeth   40.76


Round 2 (held on September 13th)

1. “H4” by Barbara Darby   56.35

2. “On a Roll” by John Epton   52.35


Round 3 (held on October 11th)

1.”Meet Dexter” by Lee Relph       57.36

2.“Victor Lilia Goes To War “ by David Laker      52.23

3. “Free of charge” by Reg and Annabelle Lancaster      50.67

4. “Mon Dail Mobility” by Andy Watson     49.95

5.“Back Porch Revamp” by John Bunce     48.55

Round 4 (held on November 22nd)

1. “An Historic Route” by Pat Palmer    46.76

2. “A Trip Round Our Garden” by Colin Jones    44.92


So, after four rounds and just 13 entries the Top Ten films going onto the final are:


1.  “Meet Dexter” by Lee Relph       57.36

2. “H4 by Barbara Darby   56.35

3. “Dawlish Air Show” by Jane Oliver    53.39

4. “On a Roll” by John Epton   52.35

5.  “Victor Lilia Goes To War “ by David Laker      52.23

6. “Obsession” by Jim Morton Robertson    51.28

7.  “Heaven or Hell” by Hugh Darrington   50.76

8.  “Free of charge” by Reg and Annabelle Lancaster      50.67

9.  “Mon Dail Mobility” by Andy Watson     49.95

10. “Back Porch Revamp” by John Bunce     48.55


The final will be held on January 10th 2017.  Thanks to all who entered and good luck to the finalists.





It’s time to find out just who in the OVFM club members find to be the most fascinating and curious out of their peers to make an ambiguous film about them for the rest of us to guess their identity. As announced back at the beginning of July this unique concept is the basis for the latest club project Who Am I? and the results are now due!

Hopefully this different approach to a film topic will bear much fruit and with the club not short on interesting personalities, we should be in for one of the more esoteric and unpredictable nights of  viewing not to mention enlightening and revelatory (in a good way I’m sure).

Reminder – If you are bringing a film this week then PLEASE reply to this post in the comments/reply section below, letting us know the film’s run time, format (DVD, Blu-ray) and picture ratio (4:3 or 16:9). This is a great help for us when planning the evening out and helping things run smoothly so if you could do us this courtesy it would be greatly appreciated.

And further to the recent announcement regarding the special newsreel for the upcoming Autumn film show, please ensure if you have footage to bring it with you to this meeting.

Thank you and good luck to everyone who enters a film!

Mini Autumn Show Newsreel Request


If you recall earlier this year that Lady Annabelle of Lancaster requested footage from the Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations that took place locally for the 2016 Newsreel to be featured as a part of the 2017 Spring Show.


However the Legion of Doom have decided that a mini-Showreel dedicated to these events should be a part of the upcoming Autumn show on October 14th. Therefore could we ask anyone who has footage shot during the celebrations – along with anything related to the EU Referendum or the Battle of Somme Remembrance – IN ROUGHLY EDITED FORM ONLY to please contact either Annabelle,  Ian Menage or David Laker to arrange to have your clips included in the final Newsreel programme.

We are a little pressed for time so the next club meeting on Tuesday 30th August is the deadline for providing your footage in person.

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.



Yes folks the Top Ten 2016 competition is finally here!

Our annual Clash of the Camcorders is open to everyone in OVFM to submit a film, no longer than 20 minutes on any subject, style or genre, which will be judged and graded by their peers. The ten films that have accrued the highest scores by the end of the five individual rounds will be entered into the final in January 2017 and the winner will be announced at the Oscars in March.

Here are the club members who have been selected at random to participate in this opening round:


John Alford

Hugh Darrington

Mike Graham

Andy & Marian Watson

Patrick Campbell

Jo Coad

Reg Lancaster

Walter McKenna,

Alan Smith

Bob Wyeth

Jenny Tucker


As ever if you can’t make your designated round be sure to let either Brenda know ahead of time or reply to this post below, or you have a film ready early, please bring it along as chances are it will be welcomed for screening time permitting.

And if you are bringing a film this week then PLEASE reply to this post in the comments/reply section below, letting us know the film’s run time, format (DVD, Blu-ray) and picture ratio (4:3 or 16:9). This is a great help for us when planning the evening out and helping things run smoothly so if you could do us this courtesy it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and good luck to everyone who enters a film!




For our next club meeting we leave our usual premises of the Barnyard Room for the annual Garden Party!

This year Colin Jones and Mrs. Colin will once again open their home up to club members and their partners (that’s your own partners by the way, a new rule enforced after last year’s embarrassment when Mike Shaw and Ian Menage turned up with each other’s wives) wishing to spend a cold, wet night in their glorious garden under the pretence of summer social gathering.

Colin’s address can be found in the Members Details section of this site (be sure you are logged into access it) while Mrs. Colin’s address is none of your business. I was sent a crude map illustrating the exact location of the Jones abode but as I say it was crude and I’m not having that kind of filth on this website! (Only joking, I posted it on the Members Details page for safety to keep undesirables from seeing Colin’s address).

I was also sent a recent picture of the garden, just in case anyone doesn’t know what grass, bushes and random flowers look like in situ:


And breathe out.

Because of where their house is positioned, it is suggested those driving should park along Grosvenor Road where possible, while parking on Colin’s driveway is to be reserved for those handling the catering duties and no-one else upon pain of death or a bop over the head with a feather duster, whichever is most convenient. If you are arriving on foot, congratulations on learning how to walk.

With regard to the food, you should have all filled in the form passed around at previous club meetings denoting your preferences. If you didn’t then you’re going to starve.

Since it is against Colin’s religion to have more than four chairs in the house, those attending are advised to bring their own garden chair to sit on, unless you are adept at levitation, as well as small table if you can only suspend one thing in the air at a time. Also, to minimise the amount of washing up the hosts will have to do, you are asked to provide your own cutlery, glasses and additional condiments should you require them.

To truly minimise any hassle for Mr & Mrs. Colin, perhaps it is best to not turn up at all, and let them stuff their faces with 30 orders of fish, chips, chicken, Chinese, pizza and Sugar Puffs (yes Reg, your secret is out!).

Entertainment will be provided by your own imagination as Colin was forced to pawn his Buckaroo game to pay for Mrs. Colin’s new gold plated hairspray – unless someone spikes the coffee in which case I am glad I’ll be staying at home.  Then again Colin might do one of his famous theatrical turns for you, so just to be sure the police will be on standby.

The doors to Chez Colin will be opened at 6:30pm, a bit earlier than our usual meeting start time but these are different circumstances in case you hadn’t noticed. If you arrive late, the key will be under the mat, the mat will be under the cat and the cat will be under the influence of ten pints of Carlsberg.

So please make sure you have a good(ish) time and don’t overindulge like Hugh Darrington famously once did and spent most of 1989 on the toilet (and you thought he always sounded like that) and be kind to Colin and Mrs. Colin’s home – it’s the only one they have (well, officially anyway).

Bon appétit!

New OVFM Project – Who Am I?



Time for another project for you all to flex your creative muscles and challenge your creative skills, and this one is a real challenge!

While the title suggests that a the end result is to be a guessing game for the audience, there is a twist to the concept – the film you will be making must be about ANOTHER club member, not yourself!! That would be too easy of course! 😉

The aim for this project is to encourage more interaction within the club members, perhaps bringing together people who wouldn’t normally work together, allowing them to get to know each other a bit better as well as encourage and engender a sense of teamwork which might continue with future projects, a positive boon for anyone who requires a helping hand with their films but is afraid to ask.

So, take a look around the club room when you next attend a meeting and see who you think might make for an interesting and ambiguous biography you can present to and hopefully baffle the rest of the members at the club meeting set for TUESDAY 30TH AUGUST.

Thanks for reading and good luck everyone!


At the August 2nd club meeting Jane expounded a little on her concept for this project. One idea she proffered was to film this like the “Mystery Guest” round on the long running TV quiz show A Question Of Sport, where somebody is filmed from obtuse and awkward angles, with close ups of their hands and extreme close-up of their less unique features like their ears, chin and such for the rest of us to play “Guess who?”.

Sticking with the TV show theme, how about a look round someone’s house a’la Through the Keyhole (with full permission of course)? Further to that, I suspect one could also use the technique they use on news and documentaries to hide someone’s identity – shooting them a a silhouette and distorting their voice. Or maybe you could write a poem or an ambiguous narration set to baby and archive photos or the like (with permission from your subject).




This week’s club meeting sees us welcoming a guest speaker to regale us with tales of their filmmaking career and hopefully share some advice too. Stepping up to the podium is Chris Woollard, an associate of our own John Alford.


Chris has an impressive CV in the film business – he entered the industry in the early 1990’s, working for an American chap named Steven Spielberg on a film about dinosaurs called Jurassic Park, which I am sure won’t be as good as our Dexter film! He then moved to Boston where he joined the now defunct computer manufacturer Thinking Machines Corporation, earning a Ph.D. in Computer Science.

A member of The British Kinematograph, Sound and Television Society (BKSTS) and British Society of Cinematographers (BSC) Chris has plenty of experience in both making films and teaching the subject to future generations of filmmakers.

Chris will be covering many topics in his talk with us as well as enlightening us on his extensive with the Iraq government, a key feature of his presentation which I am sure will make for a fascinating evening.

So be sure to come along this Tuesday night to hear the amazing stories Chris’s illustrious career!





For this week’s club gathering we had over the podium to Pat Palmer who has kindly stepped up to take the reins as organiser of this special club project as originally reported HERE.

Pat will be giving us an update on the current status of the project, seeking participation from club members and answering any questions we may have, so please do come along and give Pat your full support.

And if you haven’t done so already, those of you managed to attend and film at any of the Queen’s Birthday celebrations over the weekend could provide us with an update of which events you attended and how much footage you took.

Plus, don’t forget to talk to Ian Menage to get your tickets and entry forms for the 2016 Kent Film Festival!

See you then!




It’s brain cells at the ready for the next club meeting as we are required to bandy around ideas for films to make and enter for this year’s North vs. South competition!

The theme is “Out of the Blue” which is one of those wonderfully nebulous titles that lends itself to a myriad of possibilities and interpretations. And with the many creative minds we have in OVFM there is plenty of fertile ground to be cultivated into some great film ideas.

Similarly OVFM has the opportunity to work with a living breathing dinosaur! Well sort of… Our former chairmen Chris Coulson is now handler to a T-Rex named Dexter and has offered to allow our cameras to capture Dexter on film! If you haven’t guessed by now this means that we need some script ideas to give Dexter something to do whilst on camera.

Therefore tonight is a double whammy of brainstorming ideas and with two different subjects to ponder – or maybe we could combine them into one? (Hint: perhaps someone already has? 😉 ) – we should be in for a productive night!

See you then!