In Memoriam – Wally McKenna

In Memoriam   Wally McKenna   It is with a heavy heart that we have to tell you that Wally McKenna had recently died. Wally was a member of the Photography club who met at Shrewsbury House and also joined Shooters Hill Camcorder Club before later joining OVFM. Below is a tribute from Jane Oliver …


IMPORTANT :   Please note the new venue. We are now at Chelsfield Village Hall. Map below.      TICKET PRICE INCLUDES REFRESHMENTS OF TEA/COFFEE & BISCUITS !   One of the most important dates in the OVFM calendar is our annual Spring Show where we share the fruits of our labours from a year of busy …

In Memoriam – David Laker

  David Laker was a long standing and committed member of Orpington Video and Filmmakers and served on the Committee as Treasurer for the last 12 years, managing the accounts methodically and ensuring money was used appropriately, subs collected halls hired, bills paid and accounts kept up to date.  He and Carole kindly hosted a …


  Spring is in the air which means it is time once again for OVFM to mark the occasion as only we can!   One of the most important dates in the OVFM calendar is our annual Spring Show where we share the fruits of our labours from a year of busy filmmaking, along with some …

In Memoriam – John Epton

  In Memoriam of John Epton   John Epton appeared quiet and unassuming yet beneath that façade was a highly intelligent technically minded expert, with an incredible ability to teach others the intricacies of editing in a non-threatening, simplistic way, leaving room for questions, patiently going through each step.   His camera work was excellent; …

OVFM 2022 Garden Party Notice

  GARDEN PARTY – 26th JULY 2022 at  6pm.   Our summer get-together replaces our usual meeting and is on Tuesday 26th July. It’s now called a “Garden Party” but the event has evolved a great deal over the years.   Way back many, many years ago it was a simple gathering of members over …