OVFM, Amateur Film Making For All

Orpington Video and Film Makers, or OVFM for short, is a friendly amateur film making club in the Orpington area. OVFM members make dramas, documentaries, comedies and experimental films. OVFM has a large membership of all ages and abilities and can number amongst its ranks experienced award winning film makers and complete novices. By its …

Guest Speaker – Tim Jones

Let me tell you, if you missed our guest speaker Tim Jones, you have my sympathy, because you missed a real treat! Tim is a Senior Lecturer at Christ Church College Canterbury in the Film and TV Dept. but more importantly than that he has a long association with OVFM. He was just twelve years …

Sunshine, Showers, Slopes and a…SPITFIRE!

  Sunshine, Showers, Slopes and a…SPITFIRE! With ingredients like that the dish de jour must be the OVFM Ramble! The gang gathered early and there was a palpable enthusiasm to get on and conquer what we would later call ‘The North Face of Shoreham Hill’. But for now we were blissully ignorant of the trial …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday August 20th 2013

Our annual Top Ten competition continues at this week’s club meeting with round number three. So far we’ve had a total of eight entries in the competition – four each for the first two rounds – which isn’t bad but could be better. Can we add to the total with a higher number of entries …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday August 6th 2013

  Project OVFM Advert II   This week’s club meeting is another project evening and a follow-up on one from 2011, where we asked you to create some promo clips that will hopefully encourage and entice new comers to join our humble group. Unlike making a short film for entertainment purposes this is a chance …

I Wished The Long Hot Night Goodbye…

…And pushed the thick air away like it was a limp, damp blanket heavy on my skin. I downed the last dregs of my drink, there was no ice in the glass, the ice had long since gone south along with the air con and my last clean shirt. Marlowe get off your sorry butt, …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday July 23rd 2013

This week is the second round of the 2013 Top Ten competition, We had a MASSIVE four entries for the first round, can we top this time? The club members whose names have been drawn to participate for this session are:   Barbara Walker David Laker Bob Wyeth John Bunce Jenny Tucker Mo & Peter …