OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday July 3rd 2012

  Another OVFM annual tradition supplants our regular club meetings this week in the form of the annual barbecue – or in this case a Garden Party. Why a garden party? Well, the event this year will be held in the stately home of Colin and Mrs Colin Jones (you know where to look for …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday June 19th 2012

It’s time for OVFM to re-enact the American civil War. Sort of. The annual North vs South competition is looming again (that’s pretty much how annual events work) and our inestimable chairman Chris “Cats” Coulson has decreed that OVFM as a club (that means ALL of us and not just the same old faces) will …

OVFM Top 10 Competition 2012 Results

  OVFM Top 10 Competition 2012 Results   Here are the ongoing results of the 2012 Top Ten competition. Round One – Held May 22nd 2012 1. “More Than Steam And Smoke” by Sam Brown 55.10 2. “Eco” by Bob Vine 52.35 3. “Looking for Dave” by Lee Relph 51.21 4. “Colours of the Caribbean” …

Tips for Film Students

Tips for Film Students I’ve chatted with a few media students this month, and ‘m not sure how to feel, I’m either disappointed or confused.. I’m always saddened by people and The Media when they run down Media Studies as a subject. It’s not necessarily a useless subject, and teaches relevant skills. Sadly I think …

MindSphere – a long term project now casting and crewing

MindSphere - a long term project now casting and crewing.

Originally written over twenty years ago, the MindSphere storyline and universe went on to be a role-playing game universe with an RPG club in South London. In 2000, a script was written with the intent of filming it, but for various reasons – not least of which was the release of a major feature film …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday May 22nd 2012

OVFM TOP TEN COMPETITION 2012 ROUND 1   It’s that time again folks! The annual OVFM Top Ten competition 2012 is about to kick off! Last year’s competition saw 24 entries overall with the winner being Mike Shaw with his clever special effects outing “Picture Picture”. For the full results of the 2011 competition click …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday May 8th 2012

  Mike & Jo Coad’s “An Asian Adventure”   I’m not going to tell about this week’s club meeting….because I’m leaving it up to Mike Coad to do the honours since he and his other half Jo are hosting the evening. So, take it away Mike: “The committee first approached us about 5 years ago …

Blitz and Bananas Film Premiere…The Evidence

Snapping at the heels of Lee’s timely and comprehensive review of the Blitz and Bananas’ Premiere I am now ready to reveal in glorious colour my take on exactly what went on. Keep reading and I promise that later in this post you will see a Jitterbug, a Jive, several Jalopys and a certain Jasmine …