Carry On Coaching…By Jove it’s the Rehearsal!

While Old Man Winter has been quietly cloaking itself in Spring’s mantle (fingers crossed) the Intelligentsia Juggernaut that is the OVFM Coaching Experience has been steadily rumbling onward towards it’s goal…like some giant, steady, rumbling thing. Monday 23rd January 2012 saw a crack team of keen film makers, actors, technical gurus, avid students of cinema …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday Jan 17th 2012

As the icy grip of the winter chill maintains its firm hold on us mere mortals we here at OVFM have the perfect antidote – a look back at the recent holidays our members enjoyed in sunnier climes. Holiday films have a tendency to be dull, listless and often unable to fully represent the atmosphere …

Blitz & Bananas – The Premiere!!

THE PREMIERE!!!   As you may recall during the recent features on Anna Littler’s film “Blitz & Bananas”, we brought you news that the premiere was being organised for early 2012. Well, we can now confirm that the premiere will take place on Sunday April 1st at the Churchill Theatre in Bromley. And no, this …

OVFM Club Meeting January 3rd 2012

  Hello and Happy New Year to you all! I trust you’ve all managed to remain relatively unscathed by the Yuletide celebrations but that is now in the past and here at OVFM it’s business as usual. And what better way to kick of the new year than by finishing up last year’s Top 10 …

OVFM Annual Competiton 2011

  OVFM Annual Competiton 2011   Yes folks it is that time again for all of you who are brave enough to have your films judged by a panel of experts in the fiercest battle of filmmakers known to man – well, in the Orpington area at least. Last year’s competition – the complete list …

OVFM Goes Christmas Crackers

Deck the Hall with Betamax Tape trulla-la-la… Hark! Are those festive bells I hear a-jingling? It must be the OVFM Christmas Social. So let us raise our voices in a hearty Ho Ho Ho and welcome in the Yuletide Magix! (I mean magic of course, there’s no seedy product placement here, our Christmas is entirely …

OVFM Club Meeting December 20th 2011

  “So here it is Merry Christmas…” It’s that time of year again when the decorations go up, carols are sung, the stars shine bright in the cold, winter night sky and all the little girls and boys pray that they’ve been good enough over the past twelve months to warrant a nice surprise from …

An OVFM Christmas Treet!

  An OVFM Christmas Treet! by Annabelle Lancaster   When clubs and businesses were invited to take part in a Christmas Tree Festival in the Methodist Church, Orpington the committee decided we should give them support and participate. After all, this is the church where we hold our annual Spring and Autumn shows nowadays. Freddy …

OVFM Club Meeting December 6th 2011

  A Look Into The Archives with Andy Watson   For our final “regular” club meeting of 2011, the curator of the OVFM archives, Andy “Del Boy” Watson, will be our guide on a tour of the club’s cinematic history! The evening will comprise of a brief introduction for our new members and an update …