North vs South Comp 2011 – Southern Heat Report

North vs South Film Competition 2011 Southern Heat Report by Mike Coad   The Southern Heat of the North v South Competition took place on Sunday 27th November at Farnborough Village Hall in Farnborough, Kent. There were only 14 films entered this year compared to the 29 we had last year but as it is …

See The Light, Get on Track…it’s the Third Coaching Evening!

 With the evenings drawing in and austerity measures meaning street lamps are going out all over Europe, the time seemed ripe for a practical night on lighting etc at OVFM. The buzz of expectancy at the club on Tuesday 15th November was enough to make your fillings rattle as The Crew set to work transfering …

OVFM Club Meeting November 22nd 2011

The next club meeting on November 22nd is a double header as we welcome both entries for a club competition and contributions to the latest club project!   This session plays host to the annual Mike Turner Plate competition, an award Use , pure I’d brand generic synthroid color Hansen, that atenolol vs lisinopril …

Short Stories for Filmmakers

  Short Stories for Filmmakers  by Chris Coulson   I’m always on the lookout for ideas for films, and we’ve all seen a number of brilliant short 1 minute joke films, by Basil & Pete, and by Barbara Walker, to name a couple of our filmmakers. Now I’m thinking, what’s the next step up from …

OVFM Club Meeting November 8th 2011

  Our first club meeting for November sees two of OVFM’s longest running competitions taking place: The Vic Treen Trophy and the Kath Jones Cup. The Vic Treen Trophy was first contested in 1978, named after a long time OVFM member and filmmaker who has since decided that the sunnier climes of Spain were more …

The Autumn Show, a Review…NOT!

The OVFM Autumn Show “It’s a Calamity…Jane!” Mike Turner grumbles as I enter the hall. “What’s the prob Mike? And by the way don’t call me Jane.” I answer calmly, being used to his outbursts. “Surely you can see what’s wrong!” He continues. “Oh no there’s not some kind of biscuit shortage is there?” I …

New OVFM Project – “Guess Where This Was Filmed”

  It’s new project time and the subject for this one is “Guess Where This Was Filmed”. I would elaborate but there doesn’t really seem to be much need since the title says it all. The date for the screening of your efforts is November 22nd – which incidentally is the same night for the …