Laughter and Tears at the first Coaching Evening

Laughter and Tears at the first Coaching Evening! Tuesday the 18th October marked the opening salvo in the barrage of six evenings devoted to improving camera and film making skills in all those ready, willing and eager to learn, and what an evening it was! With Ian as Compere, Master of Ceremony, Big Honcho and …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday October 11th 2011

  FINAL ROUND!!   And so the final round of this year’s competition is upon us. We’ve seen some interesting films thus far although it is fair to say that the response has been little underwhelming, with the highest number of films submitted for one session being just five (in the last round, the results …

Kent Film Festival 2011 Results

Kent Film Festival 2011 Results by Mike Turner   As Chairman of the Kent Film Festival, I was delighted that so many OVFM members attended this event and I would like to thank you for your support especially if you also entered a film We always try to show as many films as possible and …

Blitz And Bananas Part 4

An Epic Tale of an Epic Tale by Anna Littler   (click on images to see them full size) Part 4: The Premiere for Blitz and Bananas Although it’s 6 months away, we’re already focussing on organising the Premiere and would value your thoughts on this as we need to make important decisions. We have …

OVFM Coaching Evenings 2011/12

OVFM Coaching Evenings October 2011/Early 2012 As some of you are already aware, club member Ian Menage has been organising a series of coaching evenings in order to help improve the quality of film making for our club members or to offer some guidance for the new or easily intimidated film maker. With the help …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday September 27th 2011

Last month our chairman Chris Coulson announced the latest club project “Something I’ve Always Wanted To Do”. If you need a reminder of that then click HERE. This week we see the fruits of your labours as we host the screening of your films sharing your secret ambitions. I just hope there is nothing to …

Stop Press – OVFM Hits The Headlines!

STOP PRESS!! OVFM HITS THE HEADLINES!   Some of you may not know that aside from being Mrs. Club President and an aspiring cage fighter, Annabelle Lancaster is also OVFM’s press officer. This past week Annabelle scored a coup for the club by getting us featured in three different local publications with a feature on …