OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday June 21st 2011

The next club meeting on Tuesday June 21st is the annual OVFM Barbecue!! It will be held this year at Chez Shaw (members know where to look on this site for the address) at 19:30pm for 20:00pm to 22:00pm. And for the first time ever it will be a special Fish & Chips supper! How …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday June 7th 2011

  The next club meeting on Tuesday June 7th is the first round of the 2011 OVFM Top 10 Contest!! The club members scheduled to present their films for this round are:   Ian Menage Andy & Marian Watson Gwen & Alan Whippy Lee Relph Mike Graham Peter Mitchell John Alford Barbara & Ron Darby Sylvia …


  The OVFM’s main annual competition has been running since 1985 under its original moniker “The Knockout” until 2003 when it became the Top 10.   The concept is fairly straightforward – club members submit their films for scrutiny and critique by their peers (well, the other club members) then points are awarded for the …

Saved his life with Magic!

I publish or layout books for authors and get involved in marketing the end product. One project was a book “Surviving By Magic” by Fergus Anckorn, a resident in the Sevenoaks area and a POW of the Japanese in WW2.  He worked on the Thai-Burma railway.  He survived this grim ordeal, partly thanks to his …

Pinnacle Studio User Group

The possibility of members working together to share experience and issues with specific cameras or editing software has been mooted for some time. In the discussion after the AGM I offered to set up a group for users of Pinnacle Studio editing software. The idea is that this would be a forum to raise queries, …

Funding available for Club Films

Funding available for Club Films   As announced at the AGM, the committee has decided that we should provide funding to encourage members to make more club films, especially dramas.  Therefore, as long as club finances permit, a grant of up to £100 per film up to a total maximum of £300 per year will …