OVFM Club Meeting October 28th 2014

This week’s club meeting will feature a tutorial on the basics of Stop Motion Animation courtesy of our chairman Simon “Snapper” Earwicker! Here’s Simon with a brief overview of what we can expect: “I will regale the club with my knowledge and experience of the ever popular cinematic technique of stop motion animation. So that’s the …

OVFM Club Meeting September 30th 2014

It’s that time were we once again hand over the reins of the club meeting to a guest speaker. This week we will hear from Graham Kirkman who is an award winning dubbing mixer with 15 years experience currently employed by Halo Post, with a range of TV and film projects under his belt including Top Gear, The …

OVFM Club Meeting September 16th 2014

  Time flies when you’re having fun but the annual Top Ten competition waits for no man (or woman – and it’s position on children and animals has yet to be made clear) judging by the fact we’ve hit the fourth round already. In the last round we had a healthy six entries (the results …

OVFM Autumn Show 2014

OVFM Autumn Show 2014   One of the most important dates in the OVFM calendar is our annual Autumn Show where we share the fruits of our labours from a year of busy filmmaking, along with some gems from our archive with the public. As the nights are getting darker and colder you’ll need something to brighten them …

OVFM Club Meeting September 2nd 2014

  You may recall that the original plan for this week’s club meeting was to have a guest speaker in Graham Kirkman but unfortunately, due to work commitments Graham had to pull out. So we’ve had to resort to “Plan B” but don’t worry as we have something rather fun line up for you. Because …

OVFM In The News

Our club members have been busy in between club meetings as ever covering local events for posterity and the club annual newsreel. Thanks to our press officer, Professor Mike Shaw these filming sessions have been publicised  by local media. Two recent events have been covered by a good friend of OVFM, Margot Rohan, webmaster of the …

OVFM Club Meeting August 5th 2014

  MEET THE MEMBERS!   You’re probably thinking  “but we’ve already met!” So what is this all about? Well it’s a long story so I hope you are sitting comfortably. At a recent committee meeting when we were brainstorming ideas for our club meetings to get everyone interested and involved I suggested a practical evening …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday July 8th 2014

  This week’s meeting sees us entering the second round of the annual Top Ten competition aka the “Barbara Darby Hands Off That’s Mine” award! In Round One we received just THREE entries so if anything one objective for this round is to see if we can beat that! You can find the results of that round HERE! As …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday June 10th 2014

  One of the many annual traditions for OVFM is the North vs South competition where film clubs from this side of the river do (friendly) battle with film clubs from the other side. While the organising of the event in the north is handled by Altrincham Movie Makers, OVFM are responsible for the south …