OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday May 13th 2014

  You Be The Judge: Trivention Competition 2014   For this week’s meeting we get to play judge for films from other clubs this time under the guise of the 2014 Trivention competition.   Similar to the Triangle Competition – except this one understands the concept of “tri” being a derivation of three and not …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday April 29th 2014

  Okay folks it’s deadline time! The night has finally arrived where the fruits of your labours are shared with the rest of the club for our latest project evening and our first one for 2014 on the theme of GREEN!   Since we gave you notice about this topic many months ago hopefully you have …

OVFM Member Wins Big at SERIAC 2014

Congrats to our very own Professor Mike Shaw and his partners in Footprints Productions for their recent big win at this year’s SERIAC Film Festival . The film in question was Enid Blyton – The Beckenham Years , a seven year labour of love for Mike and his collaborators from Spring Park which received a record four …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday April 15th 2014 – Triangle Competition

This week’s meeting is a little different for OVFM as it has nothing to do with us! Okay that is a little glib but on this occasion we are playing host to the 2014 Triangle competition, while three other clubs will put their films up for judging while drinking our tea and eating our biscuits! …

Frome Five Minute Festival 2014

Frome Five Minute Festival 2014 Report by Mike Coad   On Saturday, Jo and I went down to Somerset for the annual Frome Five Minute Festival organised by Frome Film & Video Makers. It is now almost as old as I am, being in its 23rd year and is an annual pilgrimage for us. It …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday March 18th 2014

When I was very young, my Dad once said to me “If you don’t ask, you don’t learn”, which confused me because when I asked him where babies came from he clipped me round the ear and told me to mind my own business! Of course as we get older we learn the right questions …

OVFM Top Ten Competition 2014

“Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends” A new year means a new start for the annual Top Ten competition aka the “Barbara Darby Hands Off That’s Mine” award! Once again the names of all OVFM club members have been put into the hat belonging to our competitions organiser Brenda Wheatley and …

2014 OVFM Oscars – The Results

THE RESULTS Hello and welcome to the annual OVFM Oscars Results report. The 2014 OVFM Oscars took place in front of a bored audience at the Barnard Room, St Augustine’s Church on a somewhat chilly night but that didn’t stop them dressing up in their best glad rags for the events. Actually it did stop …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday March 4th 2014 – OVFM OSCARS!!

“They say the neon lights are bright on Broadway” Well they have nothing compared to the luminescence of the OVFM Oscars, especially those Yanks who are trying to steal our thunder by hosting their thrupenny bit knockoff version two days before ours! The biggest event in the OVFM calendar arrives on March 4th where the …

50/50 Evening with Spring Park

with Spring Park Sharing can be a good thing. A rewarding thing. it can help us out of a sticky situation by helping carry the load of a problem or it can lead to the widening of the horizons. If we don’t share things like information and knowledge then we as people and a society …