OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday February 18th 2014

  This week’s club meeting was originally going to feature a talk from a chap named Andrew Bishop who had to pull out, so we are grateful to our very own Colin “Colin” Jones for stepping up to the plate in Andrew’s place. Colin will be discussing animation, a subject I am sure many of …

OVFM Spring Show 2014

  OVFM Spring Show 2014   We’ve reached that time of year again when OVFM invites our members, their families and guests from outside the club to join us in celebrating the days getting brighter, the weather is getting warmer and the trees and plants in bloom once again. As ever we will be to …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday February 4th 2014

    This post is being relayed to you in a low voice apropos to the subject matter so if you have difficulty understanding it, please move closer to your screen or monitor for better results. READY NOW? THEN WE’LL BEGIN!!   Our next meeting sees the results of our latest project “Silent”, the criteria …

SERIAC Film Festival 2014

The annual SERIAC film festival is soon upon us with this year’s event taking place on April 5th 2014 at Oast Theatre Tonbridge! The closing date for entries is January 31st and the entry form can be downloaded from HERE! For further information on SERIAC and other film festivals visit their website : http://www.seriac.org.uk/festivals.html Good …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday December 10th 2013

  Jingle Bells, Spring Park Smells Simon laid an egg Freddy B poured hot tea Over Mike Shaw’s head OI!   It’s amazing how quickly the time passes but yes, it was a year ago we last converged on the Garden Rooms of St Augustine’s to celebrate the festive season where Sam treated us to …

North vs South 2013 Grand Final Report

North vs South 2013 Grand Final Report by Mike Coad The Grand Final of the North v South Competition took place on Sunday 24th November in the South at its usual venue of the Village Hall in Farnborough, Kent. A 5 hour show which included all 25 films entered into the competition were shown to …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday November 12th 2013

OVFM SCRIPTWRITING EVENING   Over the past couple of years our entries for the annual North vs South competition, as well as the Coaching Evenings, has seen an emergence of club members starting to write their own scripts, which is encouraging as our drama/comedy output is somewhat dwarfed in relation to holiday, documentary and sundry …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday October 29th 2013

    Just two days before you all don your scariest costumes and go disturbing your neighbours by begging for sweets in the fashion influenced by an age old American tradition (who else could create something so annoying?) in celebration of All Hallow’s Eve, there is the small matter of the next OVFM club meeting …

OVFM Conquers Kent Film Festival 2013!!

OVFM Conquers Kent Film Festival 2013!! by Mike Shaw Members of Orpington Video & Film Makers collected three major trophies and a commendation at the prestigious Kent Film Festival (held Saturday 28th September, in Canterbury).  The winning films were ‘Steam and Smoke’ (Best Photography) by Sam Brown, ‘Village Mosaic’ (Kent Award) by Barbara Darby,  ‘Enid …

OVFM Autumn Show 2013

OVFM Autumn Show 2013   When the members of OVFM work so hard at producing films it seems only fair that they should get the best showing possible. At club meetings their work is projected onto a large screen, but when we put on a show at an outside venue we’re also able to attract …