OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday June 11th 2013

    “The South Shall Rise Again”   Or it will if we can win the annual North vs South competition!   Yes, another yearly tradition is inching its way towards us in the form of the film competition that literally divides the nation (well, us amateur film makers at least). It’s the event that …

Freezing Friday – The Making of Two Little Words pt 2

Freezing Friday The Making of Two Little Words By Lee Relph Part 2 “Perhaps I should rephrase that.” Part 1 can be found HERE (Click on thumbnails for larger images) It was around 9:15 am that we descended upon Chez Lancaster to shoot the internal scenes since the hallway in my own home is a …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday May 14th 2013

  It’s that time of year which fills some of members with dread and nightmares while others relish the chance to show off their latest masterpiece. I’m talking of course about the annual OVFM Top Ten competition.   Over five rounds to be held periodically over the remainder of the year we shall see the …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday April 2nd 2013

Filmmaking is not as easy as it seems as I am sure we have all found out. It’s one of those areas where one never stops learning no matter how long they have been involved in it or how much they think they know. This is something that is recognised here at OVFM hence our …


THE RESULTS!! Oh what a night…Early March in 2013 Erm…doesn’t quite work does it? Anyway last night was the Oscars and a good time was had by most – specifically Colin “Fox Whisperer” Jones and Barbara “Cakes” Darby who took home five and three awards respectively. I didn’t win anything but I have the judges …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday March 5th 2013 – OVFM OSCARS!!

  It’s time to put on make up It’s time to dress up right It’s time to raise the curtain on OVFM Oscars night   Once again the biggest event in the OVFM calendar is upon us as we hold our very own Oscars! Over the past twelve months we’ve all (well some of us …

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday February 19th 2013

OVFM PROJECT EVENING: SURPRISE SURPRISE For this week’s club meeting  we look forward to seeing the results of your hard labour in creating a film that fits the theme of “Surprise Surprise”. If you should still need a reminder or what this entails the details can be found HERE Since you are all a creative …

OVFM Annual Dinner 2013 (rescheduled)

  OVFM Annual Dinner Friday 8th March 2013 – 7pm for 7.30pm   Rescheduled from January. Please get in touch with Freddy, Annabelle or Peggy if this new date is a problem for you.   Due to rising costs we’re moving the dinner this year to the Change of Horses, 87 HighStreet, FarnboroughVillage, BR6 7BB. …

N vs S – The Final!!

North v South Competition 2012 THE FINAL The Grand Final of the North v South Competition took place on Sunday 27th January in the South at its usual venue of the Village Hall in Farnborough, Kent. Apart from the 10 Final films, we also showed the remainder of the Northern entries that didn’t quite make …