OVFM Spring Film Show 2017

  OVFM Spring Film Show 2017 One of the most important dates in the OVFM calendar is our annual Spring Show where we share the fruits of our labours from a year of busy filmmaking, along with some gems from our archive. What better way to celebrate the days getting lighter and warmer than with evening of …


OR “NEVER WORK WITH CHILDREN, ANIMALS OR DINOSAURS!” Part Two: Rehearsals And The Shoot Finally August 16th arrived once August 15th had left and the first order of the day was rehearsals which took place at my house. Hannah and her mum Alex arrived first, then David and finally Sue. I have to say that …

2016 North vs South – The Results!!

  Despite the weather plunging deeper into the coldness of winter this year;’s North vs South final at Farnborough Village Hall on Sunday December 4th welcomed a very healthy turn out (in fact two extra rows of chairs were needed) to find out which side of the river would prove victorious! An impressive count of …

2016 North vs South Final – Sunday December 4th

  The 2016 North vs South final is upon us, taking place on Sunday December 4th! OVFM has five films entered in to this year’s contest on the theme of “Out Of The Blue” and it has been a while since our name has been on the winner’s list so let’s hope 2016 is our …

NTRIAC Online Competition 2016

  Another new film competition for IAC members (and non-IAC members) for the South has been created by Tim Stannard & Alan Colgrave but this one is slightly different. Instead of having to burn a disc buy a jiffy bag then toddle off to the post office to buy the correct stamps in order to send …


  It’s been a while since we’ve held a session like this in OVFM but with a few new members now among our ranks, it’s time to one again open up the floor to our resident experts who are willing to share their wisdom and years of experience with the rest of us in the …

OVFM Autumn Film Show 2016

OVFM Autumn Film Show 2016 One of the most important dates in the OVFM calendar is our annual Autumn Show where we share the fruits of our labours from a year of busy filmmaking, along with some gems from our archive with the public. As the nights are getting darker and colder you’ll need something to brighten them …

Mini Autumn Show Newsreel Request

If you recall earlier this year that Lady Annabelle of Lancaster requested footage from the Queen’s 90th Birthday celebrations that took place locally for the 2016 Newsreel to be featured as a part of the 2017 Spring Show. However the Legion of Doom have decided that a mini-Showreel dedicated to these events should be a part …


  For our next club meeting we leave our usual premises of the Barnyard Room for the annual Garden Party! This year Colin Jones and Mrs. Colin will once again open their home up to club members and their partners (that’s your own partners by the way, a new rule enforced after last year’s embarrassment …