Coaching Evenings – Your Opinions Please!!

ovfm coaching


Your Opinions Please!!


Coaching Evenings 2014

The five evenings have now completed and the numbers attending each ranged from 3 to 17. Most of those who came seemed to get something from the variety which was provided. Mike Shaw’s film music and sources presentation was particularly welcome.

The club owes a vote of thanks to all the stalwarts who contributed as speakers and demonstrators, without which the evenings wouldn’t be possible. Thanks also to all members for having supported the cost of the sessions through their subscriptions.

Your ideas for possible future coaching evenings will ensure that there are some!



Please use the comments facility below to leave your feedback on the evenings held so far – positive and negative – and what YOU want to see in future coaching evenings or let Ian or a member of the committee know directly.

Thank you!

3 Replies to “Coaching Evenings – Your Opinions Please!!”

  1. I thought they were a nicely balanced series of evenings. I particularly like the idea of an evening filming a topic presented at the last minute. Makes you think on your feet. No immediate ideas for the future, but will let you know. Well done Ian.

  2. I personally think that, as the demonstrations were the biggest successes in this particular season while the lack of practical activities resulted in poor attendances, a good idea would be split a session in two so one half is a demonstration and the other is practical use.

    In other words, if say we learn about lighting, or editing, or music or CELTX or whatever the members should then be able to have a go putting what we’ve just learned into practice, under the watchful eye of the experts.

    The best way to learn is by doing and, if like me, just being shown something then left to get on with it isn’t always productive this will be beneficial as both a new skill and a boost to the confidence.

    Well done again for organising the sessions once again Ian! 🙂

  3. The software I viewed was very impressive but it was using previously imported footage. I would find it of more help if in future the ‘Teacher’ could start from scratch and show a short sequence being captured from a camera, edited then output as it would show whether or not we (or I) feel it is reasonably easy to use and therefore worth giving it a try.

    But thanks to Ian and all the ‘Teachers’ who put so much effort into making the evening enjoyable and informative.

    Brian Pfeiffer

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