Hi All,
As always, it was a most enjoyable event with an excellent turnout. There were 39 films entered and as is Frome’s policy, all 39 were shown. This was down on last year’s total of 47 so we got out before midnight this time.
Quite a number of natural history and wildlife films but surprisingly few comedies. We will keep you in suspense until the next meeting as to how well or not OVFM did but it was great to meet up with Robin and Brenda Hazelton again and to find out that since moving from Orpington and starting up what is now Tiverton Camcorder Club, that they are doing so well. The club is very active in the area and has 25 members, one of whom won the top prize at the Frome 5 Minute Festival as well as recently winning the Penny Cup and the Vision on Festival, both regional competitions with the same film.
The buffet was fantastic as always and I’m sure helps to swell audience numbers..They charge just £2 admission and all the food and drink is free. Can’t be bad! They even provide tea or coffee on arrival.
Frome are putting on their first ever public show at a theatre in the town in May and that is also free to attend.
We finally got home about 2.45am after a most enjoyable evening. At least the roads were clear!
good value!