OVFM Club Meeting September 2nd 2014



You may recall that the original plan for this week’s club meeting was to have a guest speaker in Graham Kirkman but unfortunately, due to work commitments Graham had to pull out. So we’ve had to resort to “Plan B” but don’t worry as we have something rather fun line up for you.

Because we have yet to make an official film for this year’s North vs South competition (and I apologise personally for not being able to progress with my film submission) we will be endeavouring to rectify this with something similar to our “Meet the Members” evening a few weeks back.

The idea is simple: we will be exploring the “What if..?” theme and will be asking club members to think of a humorous idea to both ask and answer that question – eg: “What if dogs could fly?” “What if I had two heads?” “What if my hoover could work by itself?”… I’m sure you can come up with better ideas than that which is the main thrust of this evening.

We will set up a camera and green screen and if you could provide some props or costumes apropos to your idea, we will do our best to make these light hearted scenarios into a visual reality.

So please get your thinking caps on and remember the emphasis is on humour so be afraid to abstract or esoteric in your choices – creativity and fun are the key elements in this project (that and winning the N vs S of course! 😉 ). We want to get as many people in front of the camera as possible so don’t be shy in stepping up and joining in.

Hope to see you on Tuesday brimming with ideas! 🙂

3 Replies to “OVFM Club Meeting September 2nd 2014”

  1. It turned out to be a fun evening,with hopefully an “If” film being made for the North v South.

  2. Well! How much fun was that? An hilarious evening and hopefully a lot learnt in the process. AVI files of the evening will be made available on DVD and any member who wishes to ‘have a go’ at editing an IF film should let me know so that I can produce the required number of DVDs

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