5 Replies to “OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday February 4th 2014”

  1. Hi Lee
    I’ll have two films for project night.
    Never mind the quality feel the width!
    They are approx 3mins each.

    Project night is an ideal opportunity to try something new or off the wall and to generally practice your film making skills without the pressure of competition.

    I hope there’ll be a mountain of entrants, especially from those club members who are newbies.

  2. I hope to have one ready, working on it at the moment, but it will not be an ‘avant guared’ type of film as Simon suggests would be a good idea!!

  3. Last night saw a number of interesting interpretations on the topic of “Silent” including a couple of dips into the OVFM archive.

    First up was “Quiet Please” a look at Goal Ball, a sport for blind athletes, filmed at the 2012 Paralympics by Reg “Bomber” Lancaster. In case you were wondering it does a (tenuous) relevance to the topic of “Silence” despite the sport being based around vision impairment.

    Ever the deviant, Andy “Elementary My Dear” Watson then presented “A Sort Of Quiet Film”. Sort of…

    Barbara Walker asked fro “Silence” in her film before our chairman Simon “Snapper” Earwicker showed us what happens “When Bears Go Bad” (and it has nothing to do with their toilet habits in leafy locales either).

    John Bunce demonstrated his skills at “Silent DIY” then we took a look back over the life of John Epton’s mum in “Eighty Years Of Visual Entertainment”, the first part of an ambitious birthday tribute film.

    David Laker brought the puns with his untitled film while the final outing from Mr. Earwicker “A Moment To Remember”, shot during a Remembrance Sunday service. I think. I can’t remember.

    Finally we had three different archive films, one from an unusual external source. First we had “So Near Yet So Far” by G. Parker and old OVFM cine film from the early 70’s followed by a stop motion club film “Take Your Partners”.

    Via David Laker, Ian Menage converted an old commercial cine reel film to DVD and added music to a Laurel & Hardy film entitled “The Music Lesson”. After some investigation I can tell you that this was in fact a ten minute segment taken from their 1940 talking feature film “Saps At Sea” (the last film they made with Hal Roach) with the soundtrack removed (presumably as home cine cameras didn’t have sound facilities).

    Anyway that is what you missed if you weren’t there and if you weren’t you’d probably want to keep quiet about it! 😛

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