And here we go with the first round of the 2022 TOP TEN competition.
Like many of the activities we undertake as a club this one has had to undergo a slight change to fit in with the current climate and limitations of travel for many of our members. don’t worry it doesn’t put you out too much – except when you’re entering a film into this competition that is!
The first change is that we are holding this year’s comp via Zoom (not that big a deal but it is a first for the Top 10, last year’s final side), so nobody has to go anywhere.
Secondly, we are not allotting any specific rounds to members as we use to; this year it is an open field. In other words, if you have a film ready then you can enter it, no need to wait until your round to share it with us. But this does mean a tighter deadline for submitting your films since they will need to be compiled into a single program for competitions officer David Roman-Halliday to screen from his PC/or via Vimeo.
Members are therefore asked to send their films to either David R-H or David Laker by WeTransfer or Filezilla by NO LATER THEN SATURDAY JULY 10TH to give David plenty of time to download the films and compile the programme as well as create the marking forms ahead of Tuesday.
Do please help us make this new system a success with your cooperation and we wish every the best of luck to all who enter a film this year.