OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday July 19th 2011

Here we go again folks! The next club meeting on Tuesday July 19th is Round Two of the 2011 TOP TEN competition! The first round a few weeks back saw four entrants (including yours truly) kick off this year’s contest (the results of which can be found  HERE) and now it’s time for another brave bunch to submit their hard work for a friendly critiquing from their fellow OVFM club members.

Those people scheduled to submit films for this round are:

Derek Allen

Freddy Beard

Adam Beveridge

Sam Brown

Matthew Clarke

Simon Earwicker

Jennie Jarnot

Anna Littler

Ian Menage

Jane Oliver

If you could please reply to this post to confirm whether you will have a film ready for Tuesday, that would be hugely appreciated and will stop Brenda Wheatley turning up on your doorstep with some of “the lads” for a “quiet word”….

Also, in the advent of low turn out, or if you have a film already to go but are not on the list for this round, please feel free to bring it along and if there is enough time it will get a screening too.

See you all on Tuesday and good luck to all who submit their films!


4 Replies to “OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday July 19th 2011”

  1. I am unable to complete a film by Tuesday. Sorry but overwhelmed with work at the moment and have a faulty hard drive, awaiting replacement

  2. Okay folks we had THREE (count ’em) films submitted last night. They were:

    Three Boys In the Blitz by Derek Allen

    Connoisseur by Barbara Walker

    Survivor’s Leave by Simon Earwicker

    Films 1 & 3 were both about men looking back at their time during WWII while Barbara -ever the rebel – decided to buck the trend with her hilarious 60 second comedy.

    Results will be posted soon and a reminder that Round 3 takes place on August 16th, so get your film making hats on!! 🙂

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