For the first club meeting of March, the floor will be handed over to a guest speaker. This time it is someone who should be a familiar face to those who frequent the various events on the annual SERIAC circuit.

Ron Prosser (FACI) has a storied career in filmmaking spanning 60 years, cutting his teeth professionally with Hollybush Films in a number of roles, including the shooting, editing and presenting of corporate films. This has given Ron experience in using many extinct and moribund film formats including 8mm and 16mm, which held him in good stead since crossing over to simpler practices in his award winning amateur career, keeping up to date with the digital age.

Some of these films from Ron’s extensive catalogue will be shared with OVFM club member during this session, along with a few stories about the backgrounds and making of and Ron is willing to take questions as well if there is time. This should be an interesting and entertaining and hopefully those who already know Ron will make him welcome when he pays us a visit this Tuesday evening!

See you then!