4 Replies to “OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday October 11th 2011”

  1. Whoops no entry this year, so completely blown it! Have super duper ‘Cog award’ to return too. Put several films on youtube in recent weeks. annperrin.wordpress.com has the link the favourite so far is Virginia Woolf’s house at Rodmell and hightlights from Paul Perrin’s Punch and Judy, neither of which would stand the scrutiny on the big screen. Good Luck to all Ann

  2. And thus the qualifying rounds came to end with an epic evening which saw nine films vying for a position in the final.

    So, onto the films:

    First up was 1759 from Mike Turner. This is the story of a minute in the life of a man waiting for the Six O’Clock News to start. Or it might have been about a re-enactment of the Battle of Quebec from 1759.

    Next Brenda Wheatley shared with us “One Of My Other Hobbies” – a real puzzling little film. I’ll get my coat…

    This was followed by a powerful film “Year Zero” from Mike & Jo Coad with an occasionally graphic but potent look at the reign of terror of the murderous Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge.

    Percy Pilcher was remembered by Hugh Darrington in his film about the British aviation pioneer.

    Thanks to the latest micro-technology – and Chris Coulson – we were privy to the cat’s eye view of the many adventures that occurred during “Teego’s Travels” (until the DVD went for a burton that is…)

    Sue Ward took us on a tour of Chatsworth Estate in the Peak District next.

    This was followed by a look at the process involved in the removal of church bells in Harold Trill’s film “Bells Down”.

    John Bunce then shared with us his “Garden Shed Mystery”!

    Finally a trip into the family history of Anna Littler in “Finding Granny’s Granny” (or great-great grandmother to you and me) which to us to Inverness.

    Quite a long night there – in fact, yours truly only just made in time for the late bus home!

    Who will make it into the final 10? Check back here in the coming months to find out!!

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