OVFM Spring Film Show 2017


OVFM Spring Film Show 2017

One of the most important dates in the OVFM calendar is our annual Spring Show where we share the fruits of our labours from a year of busy filmmaking, along with some gems from our archive. What better way to celebrate the days getting lighter and warmer than with evening of films from the very best local amateur filmmaking talent.

In addition to the usual array of top quality films we will have our famous Showreel looking back at local events of 2016 and the pubic premier of our ambitious club film project MEET DEXTER!

For those of you who need a reminder or missed it at the Autumn Show, here is the teaser trailer for MEET DEXTER to whet your appetite:



This year’s event will take place on FRIDAY 24th MARCH at 7:00 for 7.30 pm

VENUE –  Methodist Church, 19 Sevenoaks Road, Orpington BR6 9JH


WEBSITE – http://www.orpingtonmethodist.org.uk/welcome.htm


Club members get in free but for guests and non-members the tickets are £5 – which includes refreshments – and are available by making a request via e-mail at info@ovfm.org.uk or by telephone on 01689 813616. Don’t leave it too late as they tend to get snapped up very quickly!

And of course there is our famous raffle where a selection of wonderful prizes are up for grabs provided you have that all important winning ticket!

If any OVFM club members or our external friends wish to help publicise this event please download a printable version of the poster HERE (open the file, right click and save).

For an entertaining and sociable evening do join us on Friday March 24th and bring along your friends and family!