As you know, we’re keen for members to get involved in filming events for the Newsreel. Anything that’s visual and of interest to the local population would be very welcome. If nothing else, it gives your camera an outing and you some practice in using it.
To start you thinking you might like to consider outings to film the Mayor as he crowns this year’s May Queens.
The dates are:
Orpington Priory Gardens on Saturday 3rd May where the Mayor arrives at 1.55pm.
Green Street Green on the same day arriving at 3.20.
The Petts Wood Queen is being crowned in the Memorial Gardens Hall on Monday 5th May, arriving at 10.50am.
Members living a little further away are also invited to send events going on in their immediate area so long as they are of general interest.
It will be up to this year’s editor (not yet appointed!) to select the most suitable shots for inclusion and he/she would just love to be spoilt for choice, so please do have a go!
Annabelle Lancaster