As you can see we are intent on keeping you all very busy this year as we announce another project for you to get your teeth into.

The latest theme is another which has nebulous connotations to it – CURRENT! It could be something to do with electricity, or water flow, a film that focuses on a topical issue or maybe something of great import that is happening in your life at this very moment that you wish to document in film form.

We would also accept variations on the word, such a the alternate spelling of “currant” in relation to the fruit, in keeping with the nation’s ongoing fascination with baking cakes where currants are a popular ingredient. For any cockneys in the club you’ll know that “currant bun” is rhyming slang for “sun”, so you could have some fun with any footage you shot over the summer.

Perhaps a little left-field but it you have a project you are “currently” working on for something else and would like some feedback or suggestions on how to finish it, bring it along and we can accommodate you that way whilst remaining under the remit of the project theme.

The deadline and screening date for all films is the club meeting on October 31st (Hey, that’s Halloween – maybe a “timely” horror film would work?) so better get your thinking caps on!

Thanks for reading and good luck to all who enter a film.

OVFM CLUB MEETING – TUESDAY September 5th 2017


This Tuesday sees us entering the Last Chance Saloon as far as the annual Top Ten competition is concerned as Round Three is the final opportunity to get your films into contention for the grand final to be held in January 2018.

We’ve already had ten films submitted across the first two rounds but there are still plenty more to come. Listed to participate in this round are:


Sam Brown
John Bunce
Basil Doody
Simon Earwicker
Mike Graham
John and Sylvia Greengrass
Colin Jones
Annabelle Lancaster
Brian Pfeiffer
Trevor Rogers
Brenda and Roger Wheatley


However there are still some club members who didn’t submit their films in their designated rounds. They are:


John Alford
Ron Darby
Malcolm Goodwin
Ian Menage
Peter Mitchell
Peggy Parmenter
Mike Shaw
Alan Smith and Cherie

Freddy Beard
Hugh Darrington
Kuldip Kaur
Pat Palmer
Bob Vine
Barbara Walker
Andy and Marian Watson


Therefore you are invited to use this opportunity to enter your films or forever hold your peace. Hugh had some playback issues with his DVD last time which I hope he has fixed for this round.

A word of warning for anyone planning on bringing a film via USB flash drive – we had some issues last time with the club Blu-ray player reading the files so either bring a DVD instead if you can, or please can us sufficient warning to ensure we have the club laptop on hand to view the films via that platform instead. We strongly urge you to use MPEG 4 format for films on USB.

Please respond to this post in the comments section below if you will be bringing a film, declaring format (DVD/Blu-ray. USB), picture ratio (4:3/16:9) and run time, or since you all like Hugh more than me, send him an e-mail with the same details.

So good luck to everyone who enters a film and let’s make this last round one to remember!

OVFM CLUB MEETING – Tuesday August 8th 2017


We enter the second round of the Top 10 competition with just four entries submitted for the first round, the results of which you will find HERE. Now that the tennis has ended, Love Island is over with and there are no more general elections planned (at least as far as I know) then we hope that the sunny weather has inspired you to go out and about with your cameras and capture the world around you.

If you are one of the following, we request that you bring the fruits of your labours to this week’s meeting otherwise it will be a short night and very sparse Top Ten contest this year:


Freddy Beard
Hugh Darrington
Ann and John Epton
Kuldip Kaur
Walter McKenna
Jane Oliver
Pat Palmer
Lee Relph
Graham Sinden
Bob Vine
Barbara Walker
Andy and Marion Watson


Hugh has been informed by Freddy and Andy that they won’t be at the meeting thus no films from them this time around, putting us down by two spots already. Andy’s absence also means that we will need a substitute projectionist for the evening, so if there are any takers please let us know in advance.

If you have a film ready either let Hugh know via e-mail or reply to this post in the comments/reply section below, letting us know the film’s run time, format (DVD, Blu-ray, USB) and picture ratio (4:3 or 16:9). Similarly please reply below if you can’t make this round and we’ll accommodate your film in a future round.

We would also like to remind everyone that this meeting is the deadline for submitting their food/dessert preferences for the club’s upcoming garden party. Please see Annabelle, Jane or David with your choices.

Thank you for reading and good luck to everyone who enters a film!

OVFM CLUB MEETING – Tuesday July 25th 2017


Knowledge is power and in filmmaking, knowledge is as important as artistry and imagination. Sure, making a film may look as easy as pointing a camera at someone or something and hitting the record button, but as we know there is so much more to it than that.

Therefore our resident club brainiacs will one again hold court and share their years of knowledge and expertise with us and encourage discussion about any facets of filmmaking that may be troubling you, and give you the advice you need. Be it filming, camera issues, editing, scriptwriting, lighting, music rights or even advice on what software or camera to buy, our panel are ready to help you.

Newcomer or veteran, one never stops learning in this fine hobby of ours, and after this session we hope club members will be feel inspired go forward and  apply this newly gained knowledge to their own filming projects, and with the TOP TEN competition having just started and two upcoming themed projects, the opportunities are plentiful.

So, be there on Tuesday and have your questions ready!

Top Ten Competition 2017 – Results



The Top Ten competition for 2017 is now underway. All the information you need about it can be found HERE but this page is for the results, so be sure to check back after each round to see the updated standings.


ROUND ONE (Held June 27th)

1. Hampden P1344 – Jim Morten-Robertson    54.62
2. The Juggler – Reg Lancaster    52.42
3. 1940’s Showreel – Barbara Darby   48.32
4. Flatford Mill – Charlie Caseley   40.57


ROUND TWO (Held August 8th)

1. Orpington In The 1840s  – David Laker   54.38
2. It’s A Pug’s Life – Lee Relph  53.23
3. New Year 2017 In London  – Wally McKenna   47.23
= Glorious Devon  – Jane Oliver   47.23
5. Last Stand  – Ann & John Epton   45.16
6. Bridge Over The Thames – Graham Sinden   41.73


ROUND THREE (Held on September 5th)

1. Please – John Greengrass    52.84
2. No Thanks Not Me – Colin Jones    52.76
3. But Is It Art? – Hugh Darrington   49.15
4. Come Fly With Me – Trevor Rogers    47.38
5. St Giles The Abbott – John Bunce    45.48


That means the ten (11?) films that go onto the final in January are as follows:

1. Hampden P1344 – Jim Morten-Robertson    54.62
2. Orpington In The 1840s  – David Laker   54.38
3. It’s A Pug’s Life – Lee Relph  53.23
4. Please – John Greengrass    52.84
5. No Thanks Not Me – Colin Jones    52.76
6. The Juggler – Reg Lancaster    52.42
7. But Is It Art? – Hugh Darrington   49.15
8. 1940’s Showreel – Barbara Darby   48.32
9. Come Fly With Me – Trevor Rogers    47.38
10. Glorious Devon  – Jane Oliver   47.23
=   New Year 2017 In London – Wally McKenna   47.23


Congrats to all the finalists and thanks to everyone who entered a film. Be sure you are in attendance on January 9th 2018 to vote in the final!



The next club meeting is another chance of us to make a film in an evening (or attempt to) but this time with a twist – we are asking you to bring a prop (and your cameras too)!

It doesn’t have to be big (so that’s my 1:1 scale model of HMS Belfast off the list then), it just has to have potential for ideas either comedy or drama, then its cool with us. They can be items of clothing such as hats, funny shoes, masks, wigs or every day items that might facilitate a story, or you could even surprise us with something unusual. We can’t promise to use all of them but as long as we have enough cameras with us the chances of a film being made with them increases.

We are not expecting to make any masterpieces inside this two hour session but we are hoping to have something achieved by the end, even if it is a 30 second clip. This is the main objective of the evening, to get us making films and you never know, it could inspire you to expand on an idea or try your own – just in time to compete in the remaining rounds of the TOP TEN COMPETITION!

So have a rummage to see what might be lurking around at home that could provide inspiration for a film and bring it and your camera to the meeting this coming Tuesday!



Yes folks the Top Ten 2017 competition is officially on!

Marking the first year under the aegis of our new Competitions Officer Hugh Darrington, the Top Ten is open to everyone in OVFM to submit a film, no longer than 20 minutes on any subject, style or genre, which will be judged and graded by their peers. The ten films that have accrued the highest scores by the end of the five individual rounds will be entered into the final in January 2018 and the winner will be announced at the Oscars in March.

Last year Barbara Darby made history by becoming a SIX time winner of the competition! Can she make it to seven wins or will someone else take the trophy this year?

Here are the club members who have been selected at random to participate in this opening round:


John Alford
Charlie and Nellie Caseley
Barbara Darby
Ron Darby
Malcolm Goodwin
David Laker
Reg Lancaster
Ian Menage
Peter Mitchell
Peggy Parmenter
Mike Shaw
Alan Smith and Cherie Hamlet-Smith


Unfortunately Hugh is a bit miffed, as despite emailing everyone whose name has been drawn, so far only one person has replied to say they are putting in a four minute film.  Ouch. Could spend the whole evening staring at the floor then. Alan, Cherie and Reg have let Hugh know they can’t manage it and  David Laker is away. But come on guys,  don’t let him down on his first time on the job…

Maybe someone else has an early film ready drawn for later rounds.  If so let Hugh know via e-mail or reply to this post in the comments/reply section below, letting us know the film’s run time, format (DVD, Blu-ray) and picture ratio (4:3 or 16:9). Similarly please reply below if you can’t make this round and we’ll accommodate your film in a future round.

Also, just to remind you, the scoring sheet marking advice has been revised as follows to help you with your scoring:


Titles: Are the titles easy to read?  Do they reflect the content of the film? Do they show additional creativity?  Has the same attention been paid to them as the rest of the film?

Visuals: Look for focus, exposure, steadiness and lighting in photography.  Also note degree of difficulty and originality.

Editing: Does the film flow smoothly?  Should some of the shots be removed, shortened or rearranged?  Should there be more cutaways?  Are zooms and pans smooth and necessary? Look out for special effects.

Sound: Was the sound crisp and clear?  Was there any distortion?  Was the music appropriate? Was the narration well written and delivered? Was it mixed well with the music?  Were the background sounds appropriate and was the whole well balanced together?

Structure: Has the film got structure? Did the author seem to know what he or she wanted?  Has it got a beginning, middle and end? Has the author made the best use of material?

General Appeal: Regardless of technical merit, how much do you think the film will appeal to a wider audience apart from yourself?   Did it hold the audience throughout? Was it the right length? Would you like your name on the credits?


So there you have it. Will we see more than one film this Tuesday? You’ll have to be there to find out!

Thank you for reading and good luck to everyone who enters a film!


PS: Hugh informs me he has a secret surprise fill in for the evening. You won’t want to miss this.



It’s been a while, admittedly, since the idea to make a film about the history of Orpington was proposed, and since the last update but some headway has been made since then which organisers Pat Palmer and David Laker will tell us about this coming Tuesday.

We already know that plenty of research has been undertaken for this project and a couple of films have already been produced by Pat and other club members, as well as some assistance from local history groups but obviously a project of this scale requires a lot of work.

So, to find out how much progress has been made with this project and how YOU can help take it further, make sure you pop along to the club meeting this Tuesday!

And don’t forget that David will also be collecting subs, so bring your cheques or he’ll send the lads round!


**EDIT** – I’ve just been informed that John Epton will deliver a short presentation on video file formats, for the benefit of anyone who doesn’t know their AVI from an MP4.


This week’s meeting is a filming project with a difference and requires participation from you, dear club members.

In order to get people comfortable with filming and to propagate the understanding of what goes into the preparation and making of a film, the concept for this mini-project is to strip the process down to its barest form make a film with a narrative but without any edits!

How will this work? Well, the idea is you film a number of scenes (either prepared and scripted or shot extemporaneously) that accumulate to no longer than 3 minutes in length that tells a story but you are not allowed to edit them in any way shape or form, and that includes using the in camera editing functions to.

If you wish to provide a voice over narration or musical accompaniment then that has be done whilst filming or be diegetic, although the former is rather ambitious, hence this is not compulsory – you know what they say about pictures and the amount of words they paint. It doesn’t have to be shot in the same day or in the same location, just as long as a tangible narrative is present in the footage.

For some of the more experienced filmmakers in the club, this will be a throwback to the old days of shooting holiday films long before the idea of editing and composition was a primary concern, where we would wander about somewhere, capturing whatever we saw then bore our friends and family with the warts and all results afterwards!

Conversely, we hope that this will also reignite the simple joy of filming for some of you and maybe inspire you to start your next big project having got your mojo back so to speak.

We appreciate that the notice for this is rather short (that’s down to the committee not me) so if you don’t have a film ready for us then we will divide the evening into two parts – first we’ll use the last of the evening light (weather permitting) to film outside for anyone short on time or ideas, then in the second part we shall playback all the results of our endeavours.

No need to burn a disc or anything, we shall play straight from the cameras or via an SD card were possible

If you are bringing footage or would like to film at the club meeting then PLEASE reply to this post below, otherwise we shall see you all, cameras in hand, next Tuesday for this exciting project evening!



Well, actually it is only a part practical evening but we promise you that everything is completely congruent.

In a two part session, we shall first have a “making of” presentation from John Epton, Sam Brown and Barbara Walker, talking us through the filming of Barbara’s award winning comedy Commute, which featured some nifty green screen work to create the illusion of being on a train.

The second part is where we get practical, cracking out the green screen to go into depth a little more about using this technique and applying it into a little bit of filming to give everyone a first hand experience of seeing it in practice.

It’s been a while since we did some practical green screen filming at a club meeting (six years if memory serves me correctly), so make sure you are there on Tuesday to see how it is done and get involved yourself!