

“New York, London, Paris, Munich
Everybody talk about Pop Muzik”

Of course they really should be talking about the fact it is our annual January tradition of the OVFM Holiday Film evening!

When not stuck in front of our computers either scripting our next cinematic masterpiece or editing away at the countless hours of footage we have stored away on our cameras, some club members actually leave the house to explore the big wide world that is around us, camera in hand, naturally.

So it is that we invite members who have captured the sights and sounds of their getaway location for prosperity to cobble the footage together into a coherent narrative and share it with the rest of us, so we too can experience the wonders of that vast unknown quantity we call “abroad”.

Just to remind everyone that there is a FIVE MINUTE time limit on your film so if you have one that runs longer you may want to do some last minute pruning, although time permitting we can show leniency towards those that may exceed this boundary.

We also ask that if you are bringing a film that you PLEASE reply to this post in the comment section below, telling us the run time, format (DVD, blu-ray or Mini DV) and picture ratio (4:3 or 16:9) of your film. This is of tremendous help to our projectionist in timing the evening should we have a healthy supply of films to show.

Thank you for your co-operation and we look forward to seeing your films on Tuesday!

New OVFM Project – Mobile


It’s project time again folks! This is where we throw out a subject matter or theme to you and you can allow your imaginations to run wild in making a short film on that topic.

The suggested theme is “Mobile”, which could mean mobile phones, mobility scooters, mobile homes, mobiles hanging over a baby’s cot, mobility in general – anything you want.

Remember the idea of these projects is not just to help flex your creative muscles but to increase and improve your filmmaking experience. These films are not being assessed like our Top Ten, so there is no pressure to make your version of Citizen Kane to impress your peers, this is about having fun and doing what a film club is supposed to do – make films!

As ever your film can be a solo or group project so don’t be afraid to ask your fellow club members for help or advice and if you need it, club equipment is available on request from our secretary Freddy Beard!

So get you thinking caps on and your cameras out because we will be screening your films at the club meeting on TUESDAY FEBRUARY 16th 2016 giving you just over a month to get your films made.

Good luck!

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday December 8th 2015



This week’s club meeting affords us the opportunity to watch a selection of films without the pressure of being judged by our peers as we present a look at the output from outside of OVFM.

At the time of writing the list of clubs contributing showreels has yet to be finalised but no doubt the quality will be of the usual high standard we’ve come to expect from our amateur filmmaking brethren. And who knows, maybe we’ll see something to inspire us in trying something new or give us an idea for a film of our own?

And with time permitting, a further discussion about the upcoming display stall for the OVFM Tesco stall has been proposed to take place at this session, so please get your thinking caps on about how we can best represent and promote the club via this prime opportunity to reach a wide range of prospective new members.

Finally entries for the Annual Competition are now being accepted so please download and print off a form from HERE and submit your films and £2 entry fee to Brenda on Tuesday, with the closing date being the first meeting of 2016 on January 5th.

See you then!

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday November 24th 2015



It’s competition time again when we invite you to submit films for a chance to win one – or all three – of our long standing trophies: The Kath Jones Cup, Mike Turner Plate and Vic Treen trophy.

As you know the respective requirements for these contests are:

A joke film no longer than 5 minutes,

Any type of film which is a maximum of 60 seconds

A film cut to music.

For a full detailed explanation of the rules and requirements please go HERE

Remember you can enter a film for all three competitions, the results of which will be revealed at the Oscars next March. If you are bringing a film or films, please reply to the post below with the details (format, picture ratio, run time) which is a great help in planning the evening time wise. You don’t want us to run out of time and not be able to show your film

Good luck to everyone submitting a film.

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday October 27th 2015



This week’s club meeting is the fifth and final qualifying round of the annual Top Ten Competition. For the results of the first four rounds please click HERE.

Last time we rebounded from the single entry of round three with five entries, a record for this year’s competition. It appears to be an  unofficial tradition that members leave their filmmaking until late in the year, so perhaps this will manifest itself with a huge response to this closing round?

The names drawn to submit an entry for this round are:

Bob Wyeth

Alan Smith

John & Sylvia Greengrass

Annabelle Lancaster

Mike Shaw

Bob Vine

Brian Pfeiffer

Hugh Darrington

Peggy Parmenter


As ever if you can’t make your designated round be sure to let Brenda know ahead of time or you have a film ready early, please bring it along as chances are it will be welcomed for screening time permitting.

And if you are bringing a film this week then PLEASE reply to this post in the comments/reply section below, letting us know the film’s run time, format (DVD, Blu-ray, Mini DV) and picture ratio (4:3 or 16:9). This is a great help for us when planning the evening out and helping things run smoothly so if you could do us this courtesy it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and good luck to everyone who enters a film!

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday September 29th 2015


This week’s club meeting is the fourth round of the annual Top Ten Competition. For the results of the first three rounds please click HERE.

I realise that before the last round we expounded upon the belief of “quality over quantity” but as we only had ONE entry that is, I’m sure you’ll agree, pushing it a bit. Hopefully we will see an improvement on that number as we enter into the latter stage of the contest and with the summer holidays behind us, you good folk have had some time to put your footage together into a some sort of visual narrative.

The names drawn to submit and entry for this round are:

Barbara Darby

Mike Bishop

David Laker

Leo Staggs

Anna Littler

Walter McKenna

Tony Keable

Chris Coulson

Barbara Walker


As ever if you can’t make your designated round be sure to let Brenda know ahead of time or you have a film ready early, please bring it along as chances are it will be welcomed for screening time permitting.

And if you are bringing a film this week then PLEASE reply to this post in the comments/reply section below, letting us know the film’s run time, format (DVD, Blu-ray, Mini DV) and picture ratio (4:3 or 16:9). This is a great help for us when planning the evening out and helping things run smoothly so if you could do us this courtesy it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and good luck to everyone who enters a film!

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday September 15th 2015



It’s a special project evening for this meeting because there is no special project theme!

Don’t worry – it’s not that confusing. Our committee (aka The Legion Of Doom) have been concerned that the filmmaking output of the club members has dwindled somewhat recently, with the same few people submitting films for the project evenings and competitions. Similarly newer club members have yet to show their hands either. To be honest I have been with the club for five years now and there are some people I don’t think I have ever seen submit a film.

So, we have put aside this evening in the annual calendar to have a sort of “open night” for club members who are too bashful or lacking in confidence to enter the Top 10, or have yet to find a project to inspire them, to show whatever films they have to the rest of the club.

If the thought of your film being judged by your peers with the potential for criticism sounds off putting for a neophyte filmmaker the idea is that we simply remove that pressure from the equation. That way, if you want constructive feedback for your film but don’t want to be judged then this is the perfect opportunity for you to be advised without risking anything in the process.

There is also a second agenda for this evening as we welcome the results from the recent “Film In An Evening” session we had a few meetings back. The attending members were split up into two groups and two films were shot. The raw material was then distributed among club members to edit as they see fit and we hope to screen those edits in the second part of this session.

So, if you have an edit for us or you have any film you wish to share with us (between 5-10 minutes maximum), this coming Tuesday is your opportunity to do so. Please let us know by replying to this post below if you are bringing a film along with the format, run time and picture ratio information.

Thanks for reading and see you on Tuesday!

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday September 1st 2015



Colin “Colin” Jones is celebrating his 50th Anniversary as a member of OVFM, that’s half a century! Normally I would make a quip about how that is longer than most of us have been alive, but unfortunately that only really applies to about three of us in the club!

When Colin joined the club in 1965 life was still in black and white and OVFM was known as the Orpington Cine Society (OCS). During his time with the club Colin has seen many changes including the club name: following OCS, there were a number of name changes including Society for Orpington Cine Enthusiasts, Orpington Cine Camera Club, Cine Film Lovers Of Orpington, Orpington’s Super 8 Super Film Club, Super 8 & Video Film Makers Of Orpington, Orpington Embraces Video, Film Makers & Video Lovers in Orpington, Barry Manilow and finally Orpington Video & film Makers.

Ironically while the world has changed over the years, Colin hasn’t. He still has his milk delivered, he still writes letters, he still has a rotary telephone and while many of you are reading this on your mobile phones, iPads, laptops or PCs, chances are Colin is reading this on his typewriter.

There are a number of reasons why Colin has remained a fixture of the club, the most obvious being that no-one else would have him – not even on a part exchange deal with a 1981 Ford Cortina and jar of peanuts. But maybe that is OVFM’s gain as we’ve had the benefit of his years of experience in filmmaking and of course his extensive catalogue of films.

Ranging from animations to comedies, dramas and local interest and holiday films to keep us in touch with the Orpington of the past (in other words, reminding the older club members what they looked like with hair – and that goes for the men too!) Colin has dipped his toe in many waters over the years (sadly not filmed) and is never short of an idea or film when it comes to entering our regular competitions and project evenings.

So, join Colin this Tuesday for a look through some of the films from his colossal archive in celebration of this landmark anniversary, give him a pat on the back and enjoy a slice of cake which I doubt anyone has thought of getting but will have to now I’ve suggested it!

Happy 50th Anniversary Colin!

OVFM Autumn Film Show 2015


OVFM Autumn Film Show 2015

One of the most important dates in the OVFM calendar is our annual Autumn Show where we share the fruits of our labours from a year of busy filmmaking, along with some gems from our archive with the public. As the nights are getting darker and colder you’ll need something to brighten them up so why not join us for another evening of films from the very best local amatuer filmmaking talent.

This year’s event will take place on  FRIDAY 16th OCTOBER at 7:00 for 7.30 pm

VENUE –  Methodist Church, 19 Sevenoaks Road, Orpington BR6 9JH


WEBSITE – http://www.orpingtonmethodist.org.uk/welcome.htm

Club members get in free but for guests and non-members the tickets are £5 – which includes refreshments – and are available by making a request via e-mail at info@ovfm.org.uk or by telephone on 01689 837730 or 01689 813616. Don’t leave it too late as they tend to get snapped up very quickly!

And of course there is our famous raffle where a selection of wonderful prizes are up for grabs provided you have that all important winning ticket!

If any OVFM club members or our external friends wish to help publicise this event please download a printable version of the poster HERE

And if you want sample of what to expect here is a little teaser about one of the main features of the programme “Orpington Remembered”:

For an entertaining and sociable evening do join us on October 16th and bring along your friends and family!

See you then!

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday August 18th 2015



This week’s club meeting is the third round of the annual Top Ten Competition. For the results of the first two rounds please click HERE.

We’ve had a total of eight films thus far across the first two rounds so once again the challenge is to top that total, although we do understand the maxim of “quality over quantity”. Will we see it happen with the contributions from the following club member who have been selected for this round?


Andy & Marian Watson

John Alford

Malcolm Goodwin

Charlie & Nellie Caseley

Richard & Jess Pugh

Mike & Jo Coad

Pat Palmer


As ever if you can’t make your designated round be sure to let Brenda know ahead of time or you have a film ready early, please bring it along as chances are it will be welcomed for screening time permitting.

And if you are bringing a film this week then PLEASE reply to this post in the comments/reply section below, letting us know the film’s run time, format (DVD, Mini DV) and picture ratio (4:3 or 16:9). This is a great help for us when planning the evening out and helping things run smoothly so if you could do us this courtesy it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you and good luck to everyone who enters a film!