OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday May 27th 2014



This week’s meeting sees the first round of the annual Top Ten competition aka the “Barbara Darby Hands Off That’s Mine” award!

As ever you asked to bring in your best film to be judged by your peers in OVFM and the ten films that receives the highest votes over the course of the five rounds that will take place between now and November (see this post for the full list of dates).

The members who have been drafted to provide a film for this opening round are as follows:


Colin Jones

Bob Wyeth

John Bunce

Ann & John Epton

Peggy Parmenter

Peter Mitchell

Frank Hyde

Mike & Jo Coad

Barbara Darby

Alan Smith


As ever if you can’t make your designated round be sure to let Brenda know ahead of time or you have a film ready early, please bring it along as chances are it will be welcomed for screening time permitting.

And if you are bringing a film this week then PLEASE reply to this post in the comments/reply section below, letting us know the film’s run time, format (DVD, Mini DV) and picture ratio (4:3 or 16:9). This is a great help for us when planning the evening out and if you could accommodate us on this it is greatly appreciated.

Good luck to everyone who enters a film!

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday May 13th 2014



You Be The Judge:

Trivention Competition 2014


For this week’s meeting we get to play judge for films from other clubs this time under the guise of the 2014 Trivention competition.


Similar to the Triangle Competition – except this one understands the concept of “tri” being a derivation of three and not four – two clubs will submit a programme of films to be judged by the third, which this year is us!


The other two participating clubs are Preston Movie Makers and Newscastle ACA Film& Video.


The judging procedure will be similar to our own Top Ten competition, in which we we all have a sheet to fill in, awarding each film with points before the totals are collected at the end to discern a winner. In the past OVFM has come second twice although with just two clubs competing that means we’ve lost TWICE! But don’t take this as an opportunity to extract revenge against the other clubs, we are better than that. Besides, Freddy already took care of that last year when she firebombed the Preston club room!


So we hope that you will all show up on Tuesday night and share your opinions on this films to present our fellow clubs with a rounded and balanced score card rather than the usual preferences of a few, which I’m sure will be appreciated in turn by our Northern friends.


As it is always of interest to see the work of other clubs and their own unique take on filmmaking, it should be an entertaining and eye opening evening.


See you then!

Coaching Evening May 6th 2014


ovfm coaching


Following the last successful editing evening, as announced the next one will be outdoors. I confirm that we will meet on Tuesday 6th May at 7.30pm at the gates of Priory Gardens, Orpington on the corner of Ramsden Road just before it meets Church Road/Bark Hart Road. Park on the Road.


There you’ll receive, probably in small groups, a short assignment to film in the gardens whilst the light lasts.


I will be there at 7pm, so if anyone can come earlier they can start off immediately.


Bring your cameras and, if you wish, any portable lights for the darker places!


If you do some research on the features of the gardens, it may help you decide where to go.


See you there.




P.S.  In the event of forecast bad weather, I’ll email you on Tuesday morning to move the evening to the Barnard Room at 8pm instead, where we’ll have the opportunity to have another editing session. Given the filthy weather today, watch this space!

OVFM Newsreel Request – Orpington May Queen 2014



As you know, we’re keen for members to get involved in filming events for the Newsreel.  Anything that’s visual and of interest to the local population would be very welcome. If nothing else, it gives your camera an outing and you some practice in using it.


To start you thinking you might like to consider outings to film the Mayor as he crowns this year’s May Queens.


The dates are:


Orpington Priory Gardens on Saturday 3rd May where the Mayor arrives at 1.55pm.

 Green Street Green on the same day arriving at 3.20.

The Petts Wood Queen is being crowned in the Memorial Gardens Hall on Monday 5th May,  arriving at 10.50am.


Members living a little further away are also invited to send events going on in their immediate area so long as they are of general interest.


It will be up to this year’s editor (not yet appointed!) to select the most suitable shots for inclusion and he/she would just love to be spoilt for choice, so please do have a go!


Annabelle Lancaster

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday April 29th 2014



Okay folks it’s deadline time! The night has finally arrived where the fruits of your labours are shared with the rest of the club for our latest project evening and our first one for 2014 on the theme of GREEN!


Since we gave you notice about this topic many months ago hopefully you have all been busy in that time, pondering your take on”Green” and translating those thoughts onto film. We all know what a creative and inventive bunch we have among our ranks so I’m sure we can expect a varied and esoteric selection of films! to behold!


If you do have a film then please reply to this post below, letting us know the runtime and format, as this helps with planning out the evening’s activities.


Also, our chairman Simon “Snapper” Earwicker is unable to join us this week so the hosting duties will be undertaken by someone else. Who could possibly fill Simon’s illustrious shoes? A Hollywood star? A major TV presenter? A talking rabbit? None of the Above? You’ll have to come along and find out, won’t you?


See you all on Tuesday!

OVFM Member Wins Big at SERIAC 2014


Congrats to our very own Professor Mike Shaw and his partners in Footprints Productions for their recent big win at this year’s SERIAC Film Festival .

The film in question was Enid Blyton – The Beckenham Years , a seven year labour of love for Mike and his collaborators from Spring Park which received a record four awards!


You can read the full story on the Orpington Community Website HERE

Once again our congratulations to Mike and everyone on the Footprints Productions team!

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday April 15th 2014 – Triangle Competition


This week’s meeting is a little different for OVFM as it has nothing to do with us!

Okay that is a little glib but on this occasion we are playing host to the 2014 Triangle competition, while three other clubs will put their films up for judging while drinking our tea and eating our biscuits!

The Triangle competition, for those who don’t know, is contested between four clubs (yes I know that would make it a square but bear with me) – OVFM, Epsom Movie Makers, Shooters Hill Camcorder Club and Spring Park – and each year one club takes it in turn to host the actual competition screening of the films from the other three. Again, it’s still technically a square but only three clubs submit a 30 minute programme of their films for judging on an annual basis while one sits back and put their feet up. This year it is OVFM’s turn to sit back and put our feet up. Sort of.

At stake is the Triangle Trophy which is awards to the club who provides the best programme of the evening while a second trophy is awards to Best Film which doesn’t have to be a part of the club’s main programme of films. Last year Spring Park won both awards – can they win again this year (since we’re not competing)?

As hosts we are obliged to provide judges so Reg “Bomber” Lancaster, Sam “Choo Choo” Brown and Brenda “Spot The Ball” Wheatley have stepped up to take on this role on our behalf. Also there will be a raffle on the night too.

Because the expected size of the turnout is larger than normal this meeting will be held once again at All Saints Church in Orpington (home to the AGM on the 1st April).

We hope you will all be there to welcome our visitors and don’t forget to bring some rotten fruit and veg to throw at anyone who makes a bad film – not that they will of course… 😉

Frome Five Minute Festival 2014


Frome Five Minute Festival 2014

Report by

Mike Coad


On Saturday, Jo and I went down to Somerset for the annual Frome Five Minute Festival organised by Frome Film & Video Makers. It is now almost as old as I am, being in its 23rd year and is an annual pilgrimage for us.
It began as an internal club competition but soon grew into the ‘open to all’ Festival it has now become. This year, there were even two entries from Australia. There were a total of 29 entries and, no matter how many are entered, they are always all shown.
The entries were projected using ‘Media Player’ and the resulting films looked stunning on the screen.
There are winners and runners up for each category of film as well as an overall winner and runner up. The overall winner was, believe it or not, a Western, and very well done it was too. In the 30 years I have been involved in this hobby, I only remember seeing 2 other Westerns by amateur film makers.
As always, excellent refreshments were provided and we were made to feel very welcome by the Frome club members.
Last Friday was our own Spring Show, next weekend is SERIAC and the weekend after that is BIAFF. The film season has well and truly begun.

OVFM 2014 Spring Show a huge success!


Thanks to our press officer Mike Shaw, the world (well in Orpington at least) has heard the good news about the success of our Spring Show:

Orpington Video & Film Makers Spring Show – held at the Methodist Hall Orpington on Friday 21st March – attracted close on 200 people – one of their largest crowds ever!”

Link to the complete story: http://orpingtoncommunity.weebly.com/1/post/2014/03/orpington-video-film-makers-springshow-attracts-huge-crowd.html

With thanks to Orpington Community website for posting the story and Mike for writing it!

OVFM Club Meeting Tuesday March 18th 2014


When I was very young, my Dad once said to me “If you don’t ask, you don’t learn”, which confused me because when I asked him where babies came from he clipped me round the ear and told me to mind my own business! Of course as we get older we learn the right questions to ask for minimum embarrassment and maximum reward on the knowledge front. Unless it’s Prime Minister’s Question Time in which you get procrastination, evasion and bullplop!

What has this got to do with OFVM? We are always learning new things in the world of filmmaking and some of us have knowledge and experience in various where others may lack. So each year we gather together those with the mightiest databanks of filmmaking information, tips and helpful hints stored away inside their craniums and crack them open to ensure we all benefit from this imparted wisdom en route to applying them in our future film making endeavours.

So, if you have a burning question about filmmaking you’ve always wanted an answer to then I’m sure you will get it when we get together this Tuesday and you get your chance to pick the brains of OVFM’s finest – or whoever turns up on the night. Beggars can’t be choosers you know!