Time for another project for you all to flex your creative muscles and challenge your creative skills, and this one is a real challenge!
While the title suggests that a the end result is to be a guessing game for the audience, there is a twist to the concept – the film you will be making must be about ANOTHER club member, not yourself!! That would be too easy of course! 😉
The aim for this project is to encourage more interaction within the club members, perhaps bringing together people who wouldn’t normally work together, allowing them to get to know each other a bit better as well as encourage and engender a sense of teamwork which might continue with future projects, a positive boon for anyone who requires a helping hand with their films but is afraid to ask.
So, take a look around the club room when you next attend a meeting and see who you think might make for an interesting and ambiguous biography you can present to and hopefully baffle the rest of the members at the club meeting set for TUESDAY 30TH AUGUST.
Thanks for reading and good luck everyone!
At the August 2nd club meeting Jane expounded a little on her concept for this project. One idea she proffered was to film this like the “Mystery Guest” round on the long running TV quiz show A Question Of Sport, where somebody is filmed from obtuse and awkward angles, with close ups of their hands and extreme close-up of their less unique features like their ears, chin and such for the rest of us to play “Guess who?”.
Sticking with the TV show theme, how about a look round someone’s house a’la Through the Keyhole (with full permission of course)? Further to that, I suspect one could also use the technique they use on news and documentaries to hide someone’s identity – shooting them a a silhouette and distorting their voice. Or maybe you could write a poem or an ambiguous narration set to baby and archive photos or the like (with permission from your subject).